Step 2: Create a Wholesale Customer


Now that we've set up price rule for a group of customers, (tagged wholesale in the video above), the next step is to pick which customers get this special discount. 

Customer accounts & tags

In order for the prices on your store to change to wholesale, or to see any wholesale functionality, a tag on the customer account must match a tag that you are using for a price rule in Wholesale Gorilla. 

A customer account can be covered in tags, but until there is a match with a discount rule tag they will be treated as a regular retail customer. tagsMatch03.jpg

Creating wholesale customer accounts

Existing Customers New Customers Wholesale Registration Form

If you already have a customer account set up in your Shopify admin, use this method to convert their account to a wholesale account.

  1. Go to Shopify Admin and and click Customers on the left
  2. Click on an existing customer to access their account.
  3. Scroll down to the Tags section.
  4. Type in the customer tag (e.g. wholesale) you set up when you created a discount in the previous step.
  5. Click Save.

When this customer logs into your store, they will see the special price you set in the previous step.

Up Next: Step 3 - Test Your Configuration

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