Customizing Wholesale Gorilla Pages

Customizing pages hosted by Wholesale Gorilla

The following pages are customizable through your online store admin:

  • Wholesale Cart
  • Create a Wholesale Account
  • Customizable wholesale registration form (Premium)
  • Wholesale Login
  • Quick Order Form

We also offer some areas for custom messaging, which are set in-app:

  • Wholesale Customer Account Page
  • Wholesale Signup Account Pending Page

To add a custom message to any of these pages you will need to access your Online Store, then Pages.

You will then choose which page you would like to leave a custom message on. For this example we will be using "Your Cart" so you can see how it is done and how it will look.

First, select the page to edit.  You will notice that there is some default text in there warning you to not touch any other areas on this page as you could stop it from working if you change anything other than the title and text!

Important! How to use the text editor.

  • You will want to delete this default text. In order to do this correctly you will want to hit that <> button so that is shows you the HTML format. 

  • Once completed, highlight everything and delete it. Make sure there are not even any spaces left and then save it as empty. There is hidden code in there that keeps that default message from displaying on your pages

  • Once it is completely empty and saved you can hit the <> button again, and you are in what is referred to as the rich text editor. This is where you can add your message and use the buttons to make it look good - 

  • And here is how that message looks on the actual Cart when your wholesale customers checkout!

To set a custom message on the Wholesale Customer Account page (visible after your wholesale customers log into their account), as well as the Account Pending page (which is shown after your customers request a wholesale account via our signup form), you will need to open the 'Online Store' section of the app dashboard. Once there, you can fill in either of these fields; once you save, that will be visible moving forward. 

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