Over the years we have made a number of great improvements to Wholesale Gorilla. We always try to automatically apply these updates to all users, but in some cases version upgrades require some manual intervention by our support team.
The current version of Wholesale Gorilla is: 6.x
What version am I running?
To find out what version of the app your store is running:
- Open the Wholesale Gorilla app admin and click on Help & Getting Started (in the upper right corner)
- Scroll down to the Shop Version Control section
- Here you will see which version of the app you are running.
How do I get the latest version?
If you find that you are running an older version of Wholesale Gorilla, click the Update Theme button in the Shop Version Control section. This will automatically alert our support team and we will take care of the upgrade as soon as possible.
If you are running a legacy version of Wholesale Gorilla, we highly recommend upgrading so you can access the latest features as they are released.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.