Alternative solutions with product exclusions

You can use our product exclusion settings to leverage different versions of your listings to either your retail or wholesale customers as an entire group.

Offering product variants to one customer group  

Because our app shares your product listings between retail and wholesale customers, it isn't possible to hide only select variants from either retail or wholesale customers; instead, they'll both just see the exact same set of listings. That being said, the following steps can help you offer a specific set of variants between each customer group.

  1. Duplicate the listings in question.

  2. Using the original set of listings (NOT the freshly made duplicates), add the 'wholesale-only' tag to the listing's tags. This will ensure that these listings are now exclusively accessible to logged in wholesale accounts. Using the original set of listings will also make sure that your products are still covered by any existing discount rules that you've set up, since these are based on the Listing ID Tag that is unique to each individual listing.

  3. Remove or add whichever variants you wish to provide to wholesale customers within this listing, then save your changes.

  4. Go into the 'Settings' section of our app, and create a retail exclusion tag (or copy the one which you've already created).

  5. Add this tag to the duplicated set of listings, thus making them exclusively visible/available to your retail customers.

  6. You can then add or remove variants as you see fit, keeping retail customer's access in mind this time around. Save your adjustments, and you're all set.

Displaying the 'Compare at' price as your "Retail Price" on wholesale listings

Our app offers a set of 'Display settings', which include a 'Display retail price' setting. While this will allow the retail price of the listing itself to be displayed alongside the wholesale cost, it does not offer a way to display the 'Compare At' price alongside your wholesale pricing. This is due to the fact that the 'Compare at' price is simply a display element, rather than a line of code which involves the actual cost of the product -- which is what our app needs in order to "grab" it and display it alongside the wholesale pricing. That being said, the below workaround will allow you to display the 'Compare At' price in the 'Retail Price' display slot for your wholesale customers.

  1. Duplicate the listings in question.

  2. Using the original set of listings (NOT the freshly made duplicates), add the 'wholesale-only' tag to the listing's tags. This will ensure that these listings are now exclusively accessible to logged in wholesale accounts. Using the original set of listings will also make sure that your products are still covered by any existing discount rules that you've set up, since these are based on the Listing ID Tag that is unique to each individual listing.

  3. Adjust this set of listing's actual cost via the listing's 'Retail Price' setting to the 'Compare At' cost you've set on the retail listings originally and save.
    Note: If you're currently using 'Percent Off' style discount rules, you will need to adjust these to properly price out per the freshly set 'Actual Cost' of your listings. If you're using the 'Set Price' style rules, no further adjustment should be needed.

  4. Go into the 'Settings' section of our app dashboard and select the box to 'Display Retail Pricing'. You can also adjust the visuals for this setting further if you'd like, per the other settings offered.

  5. Go into the 'Settings' section of our app, and create a retail exclusion tag (or copy the one which you've already created).

  6. Add this tag to the duplicated set of listings, thus making them exclusively visible/available to your retail customers. Save the listing, and you should be all set!

Selling product packs for wholesale customers only

While our app does provide order limits , these are only currently enforced within the cart area. In order to hold your customers to case-pack order limits on the product's page, the listing itself would need to be sold as that set number. Because your listings are shared between retail & wholesale customers equally, setting this up on a single listing would see both retail & wholesale customers be held to that case-pack quantity each time that they ordered the item. The below guide offers steps to allow only one of those groups to be sold a listing as a case-pack, while offering the listing as individual pieces to the other customer group.

  1. Duplicate the listings in question.

  2. Using the original set of listings (NOT the freshly made duplicates), add the 'wholesale-only' tag to the listing's tags. This will ensure that these listings are now exclusively accessible to logged in wholesale accounts. Using the original set of listings will also make sure that your products are still covered by any existing discount rules that you've set up, since these are based on the Listing ID Tag that is unique to each individual listing.

  3. If this is the version of the product that you wish to offer as case-packs (or break down into individual pieces), go ahead and adjust as needed. This may include editing the listing's cost, images, description, title, etc.
    Note: You may need to adjust your discount rules now that you've adjusted the count that's being sold through the listing itself.

  4. Go into the 'Settings' section of our app, and create a retail exclusion tag (or copy the one which you've already created).

  5. Add this tag to the duplicated set of listings, thus making them exclusively visible/available to your retail customers.

  6. If this is the version of the product that you wish to offer as case-packs (or break down into individual pieces), go ahead and adjust as needed. This may include editing the listing's cost, images, description, title, etc. Save and you're all set!

Maintaining different retail and wholesale inventory

Because our app shares your product listings between retail and wholesale customers, it isn't possible to offer different inventory amounts to each customer group; instead, the inventory will be shared between these customers and will be deducted from just a single stock count. That being said, this guide can help split your listings into two versions, each one containing it's own stock count.

  1. Duplicate the listings in question.

  2. Using the original set of listings (NOT the freshly made duplicates), add the 'wholesale-only' tag to the listing's tags. This will ensure that these listings are now exclusively accessible to logged in wholesale accounts. Using the original set of listings will also make sure that your products are still covered by any existing discount rules that you've set up, since these are based on the Listing ID Tag that is unique to each individual listing.

  3. Add a stock count to this listing that you'd like for your wholesale customers to have access to. All wholesale purchases will be done through this specific listing, so this will be stock that's exclusively adjusted via wholesale orders.

  4. Go into the 'Settings' section of our app, and create a retail exclusion tag (or copy the one which you've already created).

  5. Add this tag to the duplicated set of listings, thus making them exclusively visible/available to your retail customers

  6. Add a stock count to this set of listings that you'd like for your retail customers to have access to. This stock will only be depleted by retail customer's orders from this point forward.

Allowing select customers to backorder products

Because our app shares your product listings between retail and wholesale customers, it isn't possible to allow backordering for only one set of customers; you'll either be turning this on for all customers via the single listing setting, or turning it off for all customers. That being said, the below steps will allow you to offer backordering for only one group of your customers, while preventing the others from ordering once the product's inventory is sold through.

  1. Duplicate the listings in question.

  2. Using the original set of listings (NOT the freshly made duplicates), add the 'wholesale-only' tag to the listing's tags. This will ensure that these listings are now exclusively accessible to logged in wholesale accounts. Using the original set of listings will also make sure that your products are still covered by any existing discount rules that you've set up, since these are based on the Listing ID Tag that is unique to each individual listing.

  3. Mark this set of products to allow backordering, if you wish for wholesale customers to be allowed to over-order past a stock count of zero. Alternatively, untick the 'Continue selling after sold out' box on the listings if you wish for wholesale customers to not be allowed to continue ordering once the product is sold out through this listing. Save the listings.

  4. Go into the 'Settings' section of our app, and create a retail exclusion tag (or copy the one which you've already created).

  5. Add this tag to the duplicated set of listings, thus making them exclusively visible/available to your retail customers.

  6. Mark this set of products to allow backordering, if you wish for retail customers to be allowed to over-order past a stock count of zero. Alternatively, untick the 'Continue selling after sold out' box on the listings if you wish for retail customers to not be allowed to continue ordering once the product is sold out through this listing. Save the listing and you're all set!

Customizing product information for wholesale or retail customers

Because our app shares your product listings between retail and wholesale customers, it isn't possible to specify any listing details, fulfillment locations, variants or etc to either retail or wholesale customers; instead, they'll both just share the same information, variants, fulfillment locations and such of the single listing. That being said, the following steps can help you duplicate your listings so that you have two sets, providing unique elements on that single SKU to your differing customer groups..

  1. Duplicate the listings in question.

  2. Using the original set of listings (NOT the freshly made duplicates), add the 'wholesale-only' tag to the listing's tags. This will ensure that these listings are now exclusively accessible to logged in wholesale accounts. Using the original set of listings will also make sure that your products are still covered by any existing discount rules that you've set up, since these are based on the Listing ID Tag that is unique to each individual listing.

  3. Remove or add whatever details, settings, variants, stock, fulfillment locations or etc that you wish to provide to wholesale customers within this listing, then save your changes.

  4. Go into the 'Settings' section of our app, and create a retail exclusion tag (or copy the one which you've already created).

  5. Add this tag to the duplicated set of listings, thus making them exclusively visible/available to your retail customers.

  6. You can then add or remove retail exclusive listing elements as you see fit, keeping retail customer's access in mind this time around. Save your adjustments, and you're all set.

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